Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the rake is still followed with us but was slowed down

with the Rake followed with us now we realized it would be more harder and very difficult to reach the castle now so we haave to hurry to go there faster than him

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

the SlenderSworder

the goodknight who was saved uis by The Rake looks to have turned out to be the SlenderSworder fro mm the blogg right here right here it is the linnk he is with me and alex in our slenderquest.

Monday, February 27, 2012

the saftey being brought of by the goodknight

The Rake finnaly attacked with us but a goodknight not slenderknight saved us he stabed  The Rake with a lance but The Rake escaped away from him.

tellinng the tale of my being getting hunted by The Rake

me and Alex have been going for the castle its close now very soon but The Rake is still after us and Proxzannilater too.  we better hop that regular swords and Alexs gun that he broghut from our past now future it will be enouygh to stop The Rake if we have to.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

the rake

turns to be it was the rake also known as a servant of slenderman from being possesd by HABIT whos here too in the middle ages.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

through the forest

me and Alex are goingg through the forest now but something is following us probobably slenderman updates later when we find out

we escaped

in  the batlle with the PTC and the Slenderknights we were escaped to a better place that is a  forest close to there we didnt see who won the battle were going through the forest now to  look for the castle

after us

Proxynilateor and his Slenderknights under with his command have now caught up to us and were fighting with us we can see the castle now but time travellers  of the PTC from uor time came back through the other time mschine that they  had to kill us and prokxynilayter too. we are all fighting with us now.

searching for it

this is Alex we have been to looking for the castle of the king I used to work for as a knight to ask about the slenderslaying sword but we cant find with them. we have been followed by someone that is proxannilater who is following to stop from getting us to the castle before him

we arrived here

we got to being here now int the middle ages but so is procxannilater too he folloed us but we are hiding in an old castle until we get to looking for the SlenderSlaying sword.

the time adventure being of going to the middle age

me and alex found the time machine and got to it but the nazi proxies broke over and throught the lines with the PTC soldiers to get to and stop to us and our adventure. but Evan saccrifyced hisself to save us and Alex too for going to the time machine. We a re in the time machine now proxiyenilatoer followed after with us too more updates when we come to the middle ages.

Friday, February 24, 2012

We are safernow and to the time machine

 me and Alex are safe now. in the PTC base but Doctor Cairo is dead he was with us too bbut hes dead now they shot him with a laser the PTC soldiers are s till looking for us but also for fighting the nazi proxies who have invaded the PTC base from being lead by proxynylater to kill us we are looking for the time machine now

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Laser guns are shooting at uss

! we aere in the PTC base but Alex set off a super sensing trip beam now we are being attacked by PTC soldiers and guards now and lazer beams from lazer guns are shooting from the PTC laser guns of the soldiers who are  shooting at at us i have to go now more updates later if i survive to tell the tale

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

it gets worse and more bad very bad

Noah may be dead but to escapeslenderdeath must break int o the PTC base to look for the time machine with or with him not with us we are running out of time because HABIT is back and he possesed the people known as the nazi proxies from the blog of the slender reader who are now after us we need to hurry to the PTC base and soon our time is almost up for us

Noahs dead now

me and alex tried to get more help for breaking into the PTC base so we went to the rhome of the man to be called Noah of Tribe Twelve but he was dead the slenderman killed him he was okay but now slenderman killed him and hes dead now thats why he hasnt posted anything in 51 days

Alexs marble hornets slenseradventures

This is Alex kralie i am will be posting on Slenderslayers profile for noew until i can make my own to post on with. we are in a gotel now that is safe as safe as safe can be in these slendertimes HABIT is lokking like to be gone noww but you never know with him more posts from me later wheen more things happen

Sunday, February 19, 2012

On the move

Me and Alex are on the move for the time machine before proxienihilater can we left Alexs house now but HABIT from the everyman HYBRIDS is after us too posts later when we get to stop from driving

Friday, February 17, 2012

Proxieannilators blog

Proxieanniheilatir has had a blog now which he is now using to record him stalking of me and alex to stop us tryibng from gettig to the time machune so we can go back to the middle ages. Here the post that was posted on his blog has been with

Thursday, February 16, 2012

a friend in my need

Scouting of the area which i realized the PTC base was to hard and impossible to for me to sneak into on myself so i needed help from other slenderrunners and people too. i also had to hurry too because pr0xanilater is getting closer on my trail he is catching up to being where i am so he can kill me to stop me from going back in time to get the slenderslaying spear. to get help from people for sneaking into the PTC base i am going to go to the house of one guy i know very very well that is Alrx kralie from the marble Hornets adventure which was real he told me so and showed me special proof for him to help me he will be posting here too now

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An idea for the PTC

i had an idea the PTC who tryed to kill me and slederman earlier that maybe at one of their bases if i could break in they had a time machine so i could go back in time and find the slenderslaying spear. So i am planning to sneak into a PTC base and look for a time machine. Pr0xanehilator  is on my trail too so ill have to be quick to get to looking for the machine

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

by quest begins now and here

Here and now is where my ultimate quest for the slendeerslaying sword has begun. i need to find a way back in time to get the sword and finally slay slenderman once and forall. Pr0xannihilateor  has probably read my last post and is probably trying to hunt me down to stop me from getting the slenderslaying sword so ive got to be extra careful  updates later

Monday, February 13, 2012

revealed at last

Okay now that i am safely hiding its time to tell my story about what the slender menace truly is. It all began with a boom in the middle ages of knights and castles. I was a knight there for king who one day complained that an evil wizard sorceror from the woods was killing and terrerizing people. so i went to fight the evil wizard pr0xannihiletar was his servant but he was really powerfull more power than i expected. but i had a magical spear that could kill him i stabbed him with it but not ebnough to kill him. he started to escape away to the future in a portal but i chased after him and he got stick in his own portal facemelting and stretching him to what we know as the slenderman now for how to kill the slender man like i said i knew if i cann find a way back to the middle age and fiind the magic powerful spear than  I can use it to kill the slender man once and forever.


Pr0xannihilateor is still after me but I think I am will be safe for now


Slenderman had sent his best most ultimate dangerous proxy Pr0xannihilatoer to kill mee once and for all Pr0xannihilatoer is here i have to run away now for my life

Saturday, February 11, 2012


The PTC that was following me is gone now i am hiding more to come soon on this blog


The PTC from Observe And Terminate is after me too and Slenderman who is still after me

Friday, February 10, 2012

wrong things for the rules by m

not by much known is that ms rules are not real they dont work. Slenderman was choosed not to kill m for his own evil purpose. Slender man has only been weak to one thing but now is not the time. being tall up in buildings wont help and looking at him with eyes dost help ether. it is a big huge suprise that m hasnt faced slender death.

why I am getting stalked by the slender man being

You might be wandering how did he ever even get starting getting  to be stalked in the first place. well this is a long story friend but the short of it is that the runner from slenderman known as zeke strahms brother whose slender-filled notebook I found leading me to be stalked by him. but I discovered the real truth behind slender man and now i know how to destroy him. other updates are coming soon read more

Hello I am the Slenderslayer

Many people think they do but I alone knoe the truth about the slenderman also known as slendermens. All the facts will come eventualy go to this blog to read them.