Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The Timeforce blog
the PTC Timeforce of being in Roberts blog they were here they have there own blog now that is here read with it now
Hunting for the Slendernomicon of the Bleeding Tree
we came to being at the wrecked PTC base its really destroyed by the Bleeding Tree it attacked by it. there were tracks to be for leading to the forest near it that is the base that is its where the tracks led in the base there are still more PTC soldiers who were attacked from us boy oh boy oh we have a bad hhistory with them and Spectre does too now he faked to be a Proxie and killed many lots of them they shoyt at us with lazers We were firing back at them when a FBS strikerforce came down of a helicopter that is from the sky where they came down from the helicopter thats where it was there was a battle we escaped into the woods to follow of the traacks of the Bleeding Tree we got into being in the woods thats when The Executioner charged out from the trees of the woods with a reallyhuge machenegun he shot at it wiith us it hit Dav Flamrock but it didnt kill him but he was going to kill us but Masky charged out from the forest and shot The Executioner with his maskyrifle he didnt get to turn arround the Bleeding Tree charged of the forest and ate The Executioner then it ran back in way more deeper than us in the forest. Maskys humanassasinators and the what was left of the PTC they were won agaInst the FBS strikertime but manylots had died but there were some survivors and these guys of President Slender who sent them of looking for the Slendernomicon they came too but instead of killing us Masky said "hey we dont like with each other but we are all looking for the Bleeding Tree that is the Slendernomicon the Bleeding Tree has it lets hunt for the Bleeding Tree as a bigteam then we can kill each other for it or the Slendernomicon lets go" we said okay s o now were all of me and Alex and Damien and Spectre and Dav Flamrock and the PTC guys who were lived of the battle and Masky and his humanassasinators and these guys hunting for the Bleeding Tree in the woods
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
I am the Fear of President Slender
turns with i am now to being for the Fear of President Slender like these guys for here thats what they do but Fears of other thhings than i am for President Slender was feared of me so much i am the Fear of President Slender now it gave superpowers forr being so coolpowerfulFear of it i used with the powers to create a veryhugeandbigitsrealpowerexplosion to kill of the thousand of Proxies coming to be killing me and Alex and Spectre and Damien and Dav Flamrock for being dead were all safe now other from the Proxies haahahahahaahaahaah because their all dead from my megamegapowerexplosion now
Saturday, March 24, 2012
there many more coming are in very greater numbers now is the Proxies frim President Slender thats what there doing of them theres thousands of them were surrounded oh god were mmight being to be dead we be like that soon
H(a)unting there all dead now
we met with Lya and Sandra and Matt of H(a)unting a very realsuperbadandfakestory Sandra said "hey im so reallycool waymore cool as you i shouldd join your group for quest for fighting President Slender" i said if your so verysupercool why dont you kill him on yourself" just then a Slendercomet came down Sandra stopped it with her bare hand but another slenders commet came down it killed them all too bad maybe they would be alive if they wernt so verytruley stupid
new clues for where i t is
we were have been following for a neewtrail of being to where the Bleeding Tree is it was last seen near a PTC base that attacke d for killing manymany people too. we are going t othe PTC base now for clues for t
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The tuth of where the Slendernomicon is to being
Dav Flamrock says he knows where the Slendernomicon is its inside the Bleeding Tree. now we have to hunt the Bleeding Tree down and kill it to get the Slendernomicon before President Slender does he sent the Proxies of these guys thats who he sent for it and lots more Proxies too.
Masky returns of us and The Executioner too
We got to the Miskatonic University but we got were surrounded with FBS strikerteams led by the guy of the Exeecutioner Proxie hes in the FBS now they were about to kill us and Dav Flamrock too but just then Masky was ontop of the roof there Masky said "hey there your going to kill those guys good but thats my kill leave them alone now" they said now and the Executioner siad "kill those guys now for quick President Slender told us too" but Masky started shooting for them from Maskycopter killing great people from the m Executioner was foiring bback with a huge machinegun but me and Alex and Damien and Spectre and Dav Flamrock ran we didnt see who won the Proxiebattle updates later
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
chasing us
We have escaped of the deadly strikerteams for now but they are following for us in really huger machineguntrucks. We have been able to lose to them for now but they are still tracking our trail. we should be getting to be realclose to Miskatonic University soon hope we dont run into more strikerteams before we get to it
the Deadly strikerteam of the FBS
We going to the Miskatonic University but a strikerteam of people from the FBI or now known as the FBS or Federal Bereua of Slender turns out Fisk was a Proxie all along now hes the right hand of Proxies for President Slender he wants to stop us from getting to the Slendernomicon so he sent a strikerteam now were in realdanger from it.Spectre is shooting back at them with his realrifle killing some of them but there are way lots too many for us we have to run now but for going to the Miskatonic University more updates soon on this blog
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
New place where were goiung its to the Miskatonic University
to find the first step in being to find the Slendernonmicon we are going to Miskatonics University thats where the proffessorsmartguy of Dav Flamrock from Just Another Fool said he was from he wuold know about the Slendernomicon lets ask him
newguys for the slenderbattle
me and Alex have been n met for some new slenderparterners in the Reistance for our fight against President Slender who are the people of Damien the dreams of slender and Spectre hes not really a proxie he was faking for it
Sunday, March 18, 2012
being for the Resistance in a brand new mission for us now
we are at the safer places than being near Masky now we are at the Resistance Movement here its safe. the Rsistance is planning a very real big thing on President Slender that is that were going to stop President Slender from using the Slendernomicon from The Dead Are Watching to use to summmon a Slenderchild that would be bad
Friday, March 16, 2012
To the saftey places soon
Boy wizeee Masky just used his ultraapowered Maskyrifle the sniper rifle of being used by Masky he shot it at us burt we missed it and now were running to getting to the Restinancee Movement base in New York so we can be really more safer
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Battle with Masky
Masky and his humanasssassinators almost caught with me and Alex today but I stabbed a bunch of the mwith the Slenderslaying spear and superexploded them., were on the movee now here it is from Alex
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The Real Marble Hornets Slenderstory
Alex has a blog now that is Marble Hornets and a Youtube it is here in this link. watch the mfor his side of my story and hsi own quest for Slendervenggeance
Planning for to leave soon
Me and Alex are going to sleep in this night in the abandoned wharehouse that we were in but we will leave tomorrow to escape Masky and his humanassinators. we also need to be finding out where we are finding out where we have to go to to finnaly kill President Slender but it wont be easy there are way way many Proxies everywhere in Slendermerica
Roberts Blog
Robert has survived now and left from the Middle Ages to travel in time rivers looking for Slendermans origin. Here he is in his blog now.
looks like while we were chasing after to him in the breaking Path Of Black Leaves Slender Man had enough time to capture America and become President Slender of Slendermerica. President Slender has turned 90 percents of the people in Slendermerica into Proxies boy woooheee thats a very lot of Proxies. Since the Path of Black Leaves is broken now they cant teleport neither can President Slender but the Proxies travel in heavy armed with big guns Proxiecopter Helichoppers instead. President Slender has had his own Slenderchopper but he can also travel on his tentacles. being a normal Humans are illegal and you are hunted if you do but there is a Resistance movement trying to destroy President Slender and take over Slendermerica. Other people who are no Proxies run to Canada and mexico or hide in secret places. Me and Alex are on the run now President Slender has sent Masky and his squad of proxie assassins that he leads to kill and assassinate humans after to kill and assassinate us. Me and Alex are hiding in an abandoned warehouse right now but we need to keep moving away from Masky and his humanassasinators so were going to be leaving now and soon too
Monday, March 12, 2012
The Final Ultimate Slenderfighting
My Slenderdestiny comes up and over to me here now it is my ultimate fight with Slender Man. i went to fight to him but he said "you dont want to be go for to be doing that now i have your real very good friend Robert from the White Elephants a captured guy and ill kill him unless you give into the spear to me now". Procxynilater came out with Robert and said he would kill him. I said no and aattacked with slenderman with the SlenderSpear splitting off one of his tentacles but he had been having more that attacked me and threw me for realreallyfar backwards in though a wall. Proxannieylater went to make Robert killed but Alex shot him slenderman went after me but i stabbed him again in the big noface for be very wounding him. he ran away into the future again just like this time before in the middle age but i travelled aftter him in the portal better known as the path of black leaves i broke the path of black leaves but it still took me and Alex back to the future before it got broken. when we got back to our time something was diffrent slenderman changed something he had becom President Slender
Sunday, March 11, 2012
The big Huge Battle Part 4
SlenderSworder has been killing The Rake who was still wounded but now HABIT possessed SlenderSworder Alex is has been made a goodknight know and is fighting with Proxannielatur I am going to fight with more than that Slenderman himself now
Final Slenderbattle part 1
The King saccrifyced himself to kill all the PTC that were attacking me and i got the Slenderspear but now Slenderman is closing in on me for a final battle for me. SlenderSworder and Alex are fighting wiith the Slenderknights for being helpedrd to be for the goodkknights Procksaneylatyr is there too for to be fightingg with them
Friday, March 9, 2012
Getting it
We are still battling with the fort. Kings goodknights have been for helping us against fighting them King said he wouldd tell us a verry important secret to be heard by us from him. He says the SlenderSword is hidden in below with t he castle i have to go get it now before Slender Man or PTC destroys it
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The BigBattle at the Fort
We are here now at the fort where there is a real BigBattle at the fort PTC soldiers for time travel and HABIT and The Rake and Proxannilateyr and his slederknights and Slenderman hisself got here too and now were all fighting a great huge battle
The Rake is back and ever more better than before
The Rake is helaed now and after us in the swamp we know where the fort is now but who knew if we can get to it in time for escaping The Rake the Rake
getting close to it
were are here at the swamp i talked about earlier for finding the King but wee are lost to the fort
The rel death being of Redlight
Redlight was made to being very very deaD for real this time last time on his death on White Elephants hhe has come back from Alex killed him by shotting him with the real revolver he brought from our present time that we have came from t othe middle ages in the head killing him for good this time
Monday, March 5, 2012
hunting where the fort is
We aere on the hunt now but so is the PTC and slenderknights ooh boy. They are very more good at tracking than us and following to where we are going. Who knows what happened to the Rake and HABIT but time travelling Redlight is been having to have been sent by the Slenderarmy to stalk us down
Sunday, March 4, 2012
The chase starts happenning
the big huger hint for finding the King was int he biggiantevilcastle of HABIT there was a map of king with intructions gone to where he was going to the fort of the swamps of nearby from being here me and Alex and SlenderSworder are on his ways now.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Getting to be for finding King
after SlenderSworder killed of HABITS evilcastlegiant we found in that the king must have been escaped from the castle before the HABITATTACK so we were looking for to him now
woweee real true power now
SlenderSworder is a way more real power than we expected. Almost as much to being Poxanneilataur he killed HABITs evilcastlegiant with a single bighit. hoping to be he doesnt turn that around on with us now.
HABITs evilcastlegiant
We got the castle but HABIT had gone to and possesed of it being to make it a evilcastlegiant. we are running from the castle now
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