Saturday, March 24, 2012

H(a)unting there all dead now

we met with Lya and Sandra and Matt of H(a)unting a very realsuperbadandfakestory Sandra said "hey im so reallycool waymore cool as you  i shouldd join your group for quest for fighting President Slender" i said if your so verysupercool why dont you kill him on yourself" just then a  Slendercomet came down Sandra stopped it with her bare hand but another slenders commet came down it killed them all too bad maybe they would be alive if they  wernt so verytruley  stupid


  1. This is the best thing I've ever read.

    1. me to they were verydumb and realbad blog hoping to be it will happen of the people of Scared and Empty Eye, Blank Faces next
