Monday, March 12, 2012

The Final Ultimate Slenderfighting

My Slenderdestiny comes up and over to me here now it is my ultimate fight with Slender Man. i went to fight to him but he said "you dont want to be go for to be doing that now i have your real very good friend Robert from the White Elephants a captured guy and ill kill him unless you give into the spear to me now". Procxynilater came out with Robert and said he would kill him. I said no and aattacked with slenderman with the SlenderSpear splitting off one of his tentacles but he had been having more that attacked me and threw me for realreallyfar backwards in though a wall. Proxannieylater went to make Robert killed but Alex shot him slenderman went after me but i stabbed him again in the big noface for be very wounding him. he ran away into the future again just like this time before in the middle age but i travelled aftter him in the portal better known as the path of black leaves i broke the path of black leaves but it still took me and Alex back to the future before it got broken. when we got back to our time something was diffrent slenderman changed something he had becom President Slender

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