Monday, February 13, 2012

revealed at last

Okay now that i am safely hiding its time to tell my story about what the slender menace truly is. It all began with a boom in the middle ages of knights and castles. I was a knight there for king who one day complained that an evil wizard sorceror from the woods was killing and terrerizing people. so i went to fight the evil wizard pr0xannihiletar was his servant but he was really powerfull more power than i expected. but i had a magical spear that could kill him i stabbed him with it but not ebnough to kill him. he started to escape away to the future in a portal but i chased after him and he got stick in his own portal facemelting and stretching him to what we know as the slenderman now for how to kill the slender man like i said i knew if i cann find a way back to the middle age and fiind the magic powerful spear than  I can use it to kill the slender man once and forever.


  1. Obvious troll is obvious.

  2. OH SHIT! This is getting interesting; please continue.

  3. your story is already falling apart. you say that Pr0xannihilatoer (or however many different ways you have attempted to spell it) was stabbed with the spear, but not enough to kill him. So, this guy is actually Jesus? Second, he went into the portal, and his face stretched and melted and what not and turned him into Slender Man. So which is Pr0x, is he Slender Man, or is he the most ultimate dangerous proxy? can't keep a story straight at all. gamejacking/trolling epic failure

  4. No! Proxaneuylataur was the slender sorcerers most ultimate dangerous servant! The evil sorceror slendr wizard was melted into what you call the slenderman not proxunilater! are you even reading my blog of my ultimate struggle against the slender oppression? Or just commenting on it?
